AOIT Web Design
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Keep working on your site
Keep working on your's an interesting article for you to read if you are finished.Also you can review the questions about PHP from the e-book.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Site of your own!
You pick the topic. Only requirement is to have one aspect of Javascript, PHP, and of course HTML. You can use templates if you want.Due Friday.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Download this book
Download this book.Read chapter 2 and 3. As you read answer these questions on your blog:
From Chapter 2:
1. What is a multidimensional array?
2. What does list() do?
3. What do 'conversions' have to do with data types?
4. What do 'increment' and 'decrement' operators do?
5. What does casting do with data types?
6. Are brackets required for if statements?
7. How is a switch statement like an if statement?
8. Re-write the squared program to actually CUBE a number.
9. What does strlen() function do?
10. What is the difference between calling functions by reference and by value?
11. What is a static variable for?
Post your answers on your blog today!! Graded tomorrow.
Read your top five your own top five tips for programmers.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Thank you
Class,I really have a good feeling about the effort shown toward getting your business sites connected with their respective databases. Going around the room I've noticed a willingness to ask questions and mostly a determined effort. This isn't universal but that's obviously expected.
So I hope we can continue the energy with this next assignment.
This fits nicely with what we've been doing because dynamically created tables are great for formatting info gleaned form the tables.
Final touches for your site
Okay by now most of you have good pages with information. Most of you still need to add some PHP-MySQL connectivity. Hopefully you have created the MySQL table for your business.To connect to the site is not really that hard. First go to February 6th on the blog and copy the code into a page that save with the extension .php.
There will be two students to help you.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
In case you were interested in linux...
Try them out!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 17, 2006
A podcast
Make a podcast of your explanation for PHP and MySQL newcomers and get EXTRA CREDIT (2 grades!).Steps:
GOTO: Google
Type in: create podcast
I'm feeling lucky.
Inform me when finished.
Business site
Your business site needs to have PHP-MySQL connectivity. Due on Friday.Today I want you to create a tutorial for a complete newbie to the world of PHP programming. You need to give four examples for for loops, if statements, and functions.
Next you will create a tutorial for creating tables with MySQL. Also cover the basics of queries, searching and updating.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Cool article about the future of information
DANIEL C. DENNETTPhilosopher; University Professor, Co-Director, Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University; Author, Darwin's Dangerous Idea
There aren't enough minds to house the population explosion of memes
Ideas can be dangerous. Darwin had one, for instance. We hold all sorts of inventors and other innovators responsible for assaying, in advance, the environmental impact of their creations, and since ideas can have huge environmental impacts, I see no reason to exempt us thinkers from the responsibility of quarantining any deadly ideas we may happen to come across. So if I found what I took to be such a dangerous idea, I would button my lip until I could find some way of preparing the ground for its safe expression. I expect that others who are replying to this year's Edge question have engaged in similar reflections and arrived at the same policy. If so, then some people may be pulling their punches with their replies. The really dangerous ideas they are keeping to themselves.
But here is an unsettling idea that is bound to be true in one version or another, and so far as I can see, it won't hurt to publicize it more. It might well help.
The human population is still growing, but at nowhere near the rate that the population of memes is growing. There is competition for the limited space in human brains for memes, and something has to give. Thanks to our incessant and often technically brilliant efforts, and our apparently insatiable appetites for novelty, we have created an explosively growing flood of information, in all media, on all topics, in every genre. Now either (1) we will drown in this flood of information, or (2) we won't drown in it. Both alternatives are deeply disturbing. What do I mean by drowning? I mean that we will become psychologically overwhelmed, unable to cope, victimized by the glut and unable to make life-enhancing decisions in the face of an unimaginable surfeit. (I recall the brilliant scene in the film of Evelyn Waugh's dark comedy The Loved One in which embalmer Mr. Joyboy's gluttonous mother is found sprawled on the kitchen floor, helplessly wallowing in the bounty that has spilled from a capsized refrigerator.) We will be lost in the maze, preyed upon by whatever clever forces find ways of pumping money–or simply further memetic replications–out of our situation. (In The War of the Worlds, H. G. Wells sees that it might well be our germs, not our high-tech military contraptions, that subdue our alien invaders. Similarly, might our own minds succumb not to the devious manipulations of evil brainwashers and propagandists, but to nothing more than a swarm of irresistible ditties, Noφs nibbled to death by slogans and one-liners?)
If we don't drown, how will we cope? If we somehow learn to swim in the rising tide of the infosphere, that will entail that we–that is to say, our grandchildren and their grandchildren–become very very different from our recent ancestors. What will "we" be like? (Some years ago, Doug Hofstadter wrote a wonderful piece, " In 2093, Just Who Will Be We?" in which he imagines robots being created to have "human" values, robots that gradually take over the social roles of our biological descendants, who become stupider and less concerned with the things we value. If we could secure the welfare of just one of these groups, our children or our brainchildren, which group would we care about the most, with which group would we identify?)
Whether "we" are mammals or robots in the not so distant future, what will we know and what will we have forgotten forever, as our previously shared intentional objects recede in the churning wake of the great ship that floats on this sea and charges into the future propelled by jets of newly packaged information? What will happen to our cultural landmarks? Presumably our descendants will all still recognize a few reference points (the pyramids of Egypt, arithmetic, the Bible, Paris, Shakespeare, Einstein, Bach . . . ) but as wave after wave of novelty passes over them, what will they lose sight of? The Beatles are truly wonderful, but if their cultural immortality is to be purchased by the loss of such minor 20th century figures as Billie Holiday, Igor Stravinsky, and Georges Brassens [who he?], what will remain of our shared understanding?
The intergenerational mismatches that we all experience in macroscopic versions (great-grandpa's joke falls on deaf ears, because nobody else in the room knows that Nixon's wife was named "Pat") will presumably be multiplied to the point where much of the raw information that we have piled in our digital storehouses is simply incomprehensible to everyone–except that we will have created phalanxes of "smart" Rosetta-stones of one sort or another that can "translate" the alien material into something we (think maybe we) understand. I suspect we hugely underestimate the importance (to our sense of cognitive security) of our regular participation in the four-dimensional human fabric of mutual understanding, with its reassuring moments of shared–and seen to be shared, and seen to be seen to be shared–comprehension.
What will happen to common knowledge in the future? I do think our ancestors had it easy: aside from all the juicy bits of unshared gossip and some proprietary trade secrets and the like, people all knew pretty much the same things, and knew that they knew the same things. There just wasn't that much to know. Won't people be able to create and exploit illusions of common knowledge in the future, virtual worlds in which people only think they are in touch with their cyber-neighbors?
I see small-scale projects that might protect us to some degree, if they are done wisely. Think of all the work published in academic journals before, say, 1990 that is in danger of becoming practically invisible to later researchers because it can't be found on-line with a good search engine. Just scanning it all and hence making it "available" is not the solution. There is too much of it. But we could start projects in which (virtual) communities of retired researchers who still have their wits about them and who know particular literatures well could brainstorm amongst themselves, using their pooled experience to elevate the forgotten gems, rendering them accessible to the next generation of researchers. This sort of activity has in the past been seen to be a stodgy sort of scholarship, fine for classicists and historians, but not fit work for cutting-edge scientists and the like. I think we should try to shift this imagery and help people recognize the importance of providing for each other this sort of pathfinding through the forests of information. It's a drop in the bucket, but perhaps if we all start thinking about conservation of valuable mind-space, we can save ourselves (our descendants) from informational collapse.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
You have a chance to make up the PHP quiz if you didn't do as well as expected.Print out the code with your name commented.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Progress on web pages is good....
Get the PHP code from February 6th 2006 and add it to your page!DF
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Answers to loop questions
Loops:for($i=10000; $i >= 100; $i = $i - 10)
//echo $i;
//echo "
//while loop goes HERE!:
//Written by :
$i = 3;
while($i < 333)
{ $i=$i+3;
echo $i;
echo "
//second while loop
while($i <= 100)
$i = i+2;
echo $i;
Quiz on loops tomorrow
Study the looping code I wrote in class today. You will have very similar questions on a quiz tomorrow. YOu will only have 10 minutes and will not be able to use the Internet during the quiz.Loop Practice
1. Write a for loop that starts at 10000 and decrements by 10 to number 100.2. Write a while loop that starts at 3 and ends at 333 and goes by 3.
3. Write a while loop that prints out all even numbers up to 100.