Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Expense Report

From the business inception through the first month of operation you are going to encounter various expenses. Using Excel you are to keep track of the expenses.

You are going to cover employees, advertising, product development, and other operating costs. I will assume you need a loan from a bank.

Create a spreadsheet with a column for each category listed above. For each category list a minimum of four expenses. Total each column. Use the SUM function to total all the columns.

Create a pie chart that lists the percentage of each category as parts of a whole.

On a second spreadsheet you will keep track of your first four sales.

Have a third spreadsheet which subtracts the costs from the money taken in. This will be your profits. Very rarely does a business achieve profitability so soon.

On the fourth spreadsheet (within the same file) you are to have a PREDICTION of your first year's sales and expenses. The level of detail is up to you but must be somewhat realistic for the bank to take seriously. Use a line graph to show the changes throughout the year in sales and expenses.

After creating the first fictional operating report you are to submit a request for a loan (I'm the bank officer) which will be considered along with your business summary.


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