Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Quiz post-poned!

Since we just barely missed finishing the installation of PHPBB we are going to finish tomorrow.

To accomplish this you will need an understanding of permissions! Read this about Windows
and Unix.

We are putting the phpBB on the class server tomorrow. Then we will spend a few minutes configuring the bulletin board.

How could someone make money with a forum? Read this.

People on forums click on ads. Ads get people money because ads sell stuff. Spend the evening reviewing the IF THEN ELSE statements.

Your midterm will be from your lessons during the first nine weeks. Also you will need to review HTML and PHP. By Thursday afternoon I will post your review sheet.

If you get confused during an installation or a lesson you must learn to keep your frustrations to yourSELF. I will come to help you but you must not shout out your frustrations.


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