Saturday, December 31, 2005


Evaluate this article on your blog. What is the commotion about?

Advice from Bill Gates

A somewhat related QUESTION: What advice would you give to current high school students or college freshmen who want to be successful? (Laughter.)

BILL GATES: Well, that's a simple question. You know, there's a lot to be said for at a young age hopefully finding an area that you enjoy. And in my case I got to take the hobby that I had and it sort of turned into my life's work.

I do think it's important to try out a lot of different things. If there is a field other than computer science I think that's interesting it's biology -- not as interesting -- (laughter) -- but it's second, and I think it's even a fair drop down to the third, because these are the two things that in tandem will be revolutionizing health, revolutionizing communications, revolutionizing entertainment, a lot of great things there.

For a high school student even by the time you graduate from high school, the idea whether you have a habit of curiosity, reading a lot of things, that's probably developed for your life. Maybe you can change and improve on that after high school, but I haven't seen many people who do, and success is highly correlated to that curiosity, willingness to absorb lots of new things, read books that are directly in the area you're working in, but also lots that don't seem all that related but help you model the world and how things go on. So I'd say a lot for reading and thinking very broadly.

Read this and comment on your blog.

Advice from Bill Gates

A somewhat related QUESTION: What advice would you give to current high school students or college freshmen who want to be successful? (Laughter.)

BILL GATES: Well, that's a simple question. You know, there's a lot to be said for at a young age hopefully finding an area that you enjoy. And in my case I got to take the hobby that I had and it sort of turned into my life's work.

I do think it's important to try out a lot of different things. If there is a field other than computer science I think that's interesting it's biology -- not as interesting -- (laughter) -- but it's second, and I think it's even a fair drop down to the third, because these are the two things that in tandem will be revolutionizing health, revolutionizing communications, revolutionizing entertainment, a lot of great things there.

For a high school student even by the time you graduate from high school, the idea whether you have a habit of curiosity, reading a lot of things, that's probably developed for your life. Maybe you can change and improve on that after high school, but I haven't seen many people who do, and success is highly correlated to that curiosity, willingness to absorb lots of new things, read books that are directly in the area you're working in, but also lots that don't seem all that related but help you model the world and how things go on. So I'd say a lot for reading and thinking very broadly.

Read this and comment on your blog.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

We will be using this site

Check out this site.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Checking your blogs?

Make sure you check all the way back until October!! Very important!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Google Blogs

You really should read this. Often.

Google Travel

Check it out! Evaluate it on your blog.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Free OS

What do you think? No need to comment, just check it out.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

PHP Games

PHP Games

Midterm Review LINKS

Many questions from this quiz. Ignore questions 16, 17, 18.

Understand all the relevant topics from PHP on this page.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Tuesday Short Quiz and GET AND POST

We are going to discuss GET and POST statements with PHP.

Also we are going to discuss ATTRIBUTES and BEHAVIORS when designing programs.

More specifically we will look at arrays in PHP.

PHP Info

Example from class

$attempted = $_GET["freethrowsattempted"];
$made = $_GET["freethrowsmade"];
echo $attempted;
$percentagemade = $made / $attempted;


if ($percentagemade >= 90) {
echo ""GRRREAT JOB!"";
elseif ($percentagemade >= 80) {
echo "SUPER JOB!";
elseif ($percentagemade >= 70) {
echo "Okay!";
elseif ($percentagemade >= 60) {
echo "You better be big";

PUT THIS PHP CODE INTO THE HTML CODE. You will need two text boxes and a submit button.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

More than just a game?

Read this if you are interested in video games.

Assignments due Wednesday

Quiz on IF statements Tuesday...

Using all the concepts learned in class (variables, if statements, loops) complete the following exercises by Wednesday:

  1. Write a PHP program that takes in the distance traveled and gallons of gas used and returns the miles per gallon traveled. (One grade due Wednesday.)
  2. Write a PHP program that takes in two numbers and sorts them according to smallest to largest. The program will return the small number and then the large number. If the numbers are equal the program will return : numbers are equal (One grade due Wednesday)!
Programs will receive full credit ONLY if they work on the class server.

Friday, December 02, 2005

More IF statement practice...on your own blog

On your blog write the code for a page with two text boxes that take in the following information: number of free throws made versus number of free throws attempted. You will use PHP to return the percentage and a series of IF statements to give the following statements: Between 90 and 100% "GRRREAT JOB!"

Between 80-89% "SUPER JOB!"

Between 70-79% "Okay!"

Between 60-69% "You better be big"

Between 0-59% "Hi Shaq"

For more help with IF statements, try here:

Read this.

An interesting article about the founder.

No need to blog about it...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

What is the invisible web?

Read this.

What is the invisible web? Write about it on your blog!

Check out these awesome styles!!

Look here for pre-made templates for PHPBB!!!!!!!

You can set PHPBB to use HTML but their standard tags are actually simpler.

The first person who figures out how to add an image as the background for their PHPBB will get extra credit!!!!