Saturday, December 31, 2005

Advice from Bill Gates

A somewhat related QUESTION: What advice would you give to current high school students or college freshmen who want to be successful? (Laughter.)

BILL GATES: Well, that's a simple question. You know, there's a lot to be said for at a young age hopefully finding an area that you enjoy. And in my case I got to take the hobby that I had and it sort of turned into my life's work.

I do think it's important to try out a lot of different things. If there is a field other than computer science I think that's interesting it's biology -- not as interesting -- (laughter) -- but it's second, and I think it's even a fair drop down to the third, because these are the two things that in tandem will be revolutionizing health, revolutionizing communications, revolutionizing entertainment, a lot of great things there.

For a high school student even by the time you graduate from high school, the idea whether you have a habit of curiosity, reading a lot of things, that's probably developed for your life. Maybe you can change and improve on that after high school, but I haven't seen many people who do, and success is highly correlated to that curiosity, willingness to absorb lots of new things, read books that are directly in the area you're working in, but also lots that don't seem all that related but help you model the world and how things go on. So I'd say a lot for reading and thinking very broadly.

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